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How to face Covid-19

First and foremost, let’s be kind to ourselves.

Even now, a few years on, the coronavirus pandemic remains unlike anything we’ve experienced before. It is normal still to have lots of different emotions — stress, anxiety, anger and sadness, to name just a few.

One of the most difficult things is when we feel uncertain. Human beings hate uncertainty and want guaranteed answers. When we don’t feel we have them, our anxiety tends to increase.

Anxiety brings with it lots of different physical feelings. This can include chest pain, an upset tummy, sweatiness, tiredness and shortness of breath. When we’re feeling anything like this, we might very understandably think: ‘What if I’m getting ill?’ If we can learn new skills to stay on top of anxiety as it shows up, that can be a big help.

Frustration, confusion and exhaustion are very understandable too. We might notice that our mood is lower than we’d like. Our minds might bombard us with questions: what might go wrong next? Why don’t other people see things the way we do?

FACE COVID – How To Respond Effectively To The Corona Crisis

Dr Russ Harris

Covid fears

What we can all do (and what we can’t)

  • The most important thing is to allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling. It’s OK not to feel OK. Our thoughts and feelings might keep on changing very rapidly: that’s totally normal.
  • No matter how hard we try, we can’t switch off our thoughts and feelings. But, with practice, we can learn to be kind to ourselves, to ‘make room’ for them … and to keep on doing what matters. Read on for some more ideas about how to do this.

How we can help our mental health when times are tough

  • Remember that the key thing is to be kind to ourselves. Try to eat healthily. Take some exercise as and when you can. Stick to a sleep routine. Pace yourself. And don’t blame yourself or beat yourself up if you feel you’re not coping as well as you’d like. We live in challenging times!
  • Be kind to others, too. Doing this makes us feel good about ourselves as well.
  • Take time to do the things you enjoy. Getting out in the fresh air is always a safe and healthy thing to do. Think about the things you really want to do, which make you feel good – have a look at our Resources page for some more ideas.
  • Stay in touch with people you like and trust. Video calls are easier than they’ve ever been. Use reliable sources of information – see below for more on this – and consider gently limiting the amount of time you spend online, especially on social media.
  • Remember that alcohol and drugs are never good coping strategies. Even if they feel it in the short term, they very quickly cause problems to mount up.
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